apply to exhibit at AdventureX
In 2024, AdventureX is organising our annual Steam Sale, which features games from past exhibitors as well as this year's selection. This means that we are only accepting submissions for digital exhibition through the Steam sale this year, since no in-person event will take place due to team changes.​
Successful applicants will be invited to have your game/project featured in our 2024 Steam sale, which will run from 4 to 11 November.
If you want to get an idea of what digitally exhibiting in our Steam sale means and looks like, you can check our 2023 Steam sale page. While the sale is live, you will be able to stream to your submission's Steam store page, and this livestream will also be shown on the sale page. We will also broadcast re-runs of past AdventureX talks.
Submissions have been closed for 2024.​​
How does applying work?
Go to the above link and fill in the form to apply! The more supporting material you can provide us, the better – trailers, artwork etc.
Applications close on Midnight of Wednesday 18 September 2024 AoE Time. We aim to personally respond to all applicants no later than 21 October 2024.
Successful applicants will need to respond with final confirmation before your submission is included in the AdventureX 2024 Steam sale. If we do not receive your subsequent confirmation by 24 October 2024, we cannot guarantee that your submission can be included in the Steam sale and your submission may be revoked.
Is my project eligible?
We can only accept applications which provide a playable build (demo, work-in-progress version or full game). We know what a beta build looks like, so we can overlook placeholder assets and missing voice acting etc. But if your demo/build really isn't ready to be seen by outsiders, it's probably better to wait until next year.
Additionally, because we only support digital exhibition this year, your project must have a Steam store page at time of submission. The store page will also need to have a playable build of the game/software/project available for public download during the sale period.
We do not restrict applications based on the release date of your submission. Any game/software/project which hasn't been exhibited at AdventureX before is eligible to apply. But we do prefer and encourage new releases (2023 - 2024) and in-development submissions (especially those slated for release in 2024 - 2025).
Reasons to exhibit
Be featured in the AdventureX 2024 Steam sale!
Share your project with an audience focused on narrative gaming.
Earn an "AdventureX official selection" badge.
We will share your project on our website and social media!
How are the exhibitors selected?
We think of the AdventureX exhibitors like a film festival’s “Official Selection” – a curated, hand-picked selection of this year’s narrative indie games (and related software/projects). Submissions will be reviewed by AdventureX volunteers. We do our best to be objective and produce a selection that caters to a range of interests.
AdventureX is primarily an English language event. We welcome applications from outside the UK, and our reviewers will make allowances for first-draft translations. But your game/software/project should be playable in English if you would like to be considered.
Unfortunately, every year we have to reject submissions we’d love to accept. This might be because we have too many submissions in a particular art style or sub-genre. If we don’t accept yours, you’re welcome to apply again in the future.
We no longer allow devs to exhibit the same game/software/project more than once, and we’re not able to enter into correspondence about unsuccessful applications.
Tips for impressing us
Have a good trailer!
Read the image specifications carefully!
Submit a build (preferably for Windows) that's ready to wow!
Respond in a timely fashion to any emails from us! We may have additional questions, and will require final confirmation if your submission is accepted.
And… good luck!
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Why can we only exhibit through Steam this year?
WHat if my game/project isn't on Steam?
Due to fundamental changes within the organisation, AdventureX will not take place as a physical event in 2024. Read our full announcement at the bottom of our homepage.
This means that this year we are only organising our annual Steam sale as an avenue for digitally exhibiting, and your submission has to be available on Steam in order to be eligible for participation. Additionally, you will need to have a playable build available to exhibit to the public during the Steam sale period.
If your game/project does not have a Steam store page (yet) or is otherwise not quite ready for the public limelight, don't despair, AdventureX fully intends to return as a physical event in the future (we are aiming for 2025) and you will be able to submit at that time.
Something went wrong with my application!
I cannot exhibit the submitted game/project!
Please contact us as quickly as possible so we can determine what the problem is and if it can be resolved.
You may only exhibit the submission you applied for. If your application has been accepted and you wish to exhibit a different game/project than the accepted submission, we cannot allow this since our invitation to exhibit is based on the specific submission we reviewed.
If you (as a developer and/or publisher) submitted applications for multiple games/projects, our invitation email will make it clear which submission(s) we have accepted.
I haven't heard back about my application yet?
We aim to personally respond to all applicants no later than 21 October 2024. If you have not heard from us by then, please contact us at contact@adventurexpo.org.
Can I sell/distribute my submission off Steam?
As long as it has a Steam store page, you can apply to exhibit your submission in our AdventureX Steam sale. Aside from that requirement, you are free to sell or distribute it on any other website or platform.